Baltic Sea Docs: Film Screenings

Time for tears in eyes again. Which I had at the premiere in Karlovy Vary
and will definitely have, when “Bridges of Time” by Kristine Briede and Audrius Stonys will open the mini-festival of the Baltic Sea Docs in Riga at Cinema K.Suns wednesday September 5. Tears from Beauty, Cinematic Excellence, Wonderful Old Masters of Baltic documentary. Clips – among others – from 235.000.000 by Uldis Brauns, do you remember the dancing helicopter and the kids on the beach?
“Bridges of Time” is one of nine films selected by the Latvian organisers of the
Baltic Sea Docs, headed by Zanda Dudina-Spoge. Other films to be screened, which already have won international acclaim are Talal Derki’s “Of Father and Sons”, Marta Prus “Over the Limit”, “The Cleaners” by Hans Block and Moritz Riesewick and Håvard Bustness “Golden Dawn Girls”.
Three are new for me: To see from the trailer, lovely “Granny Project” by Hungarian Bálint Révész, who will be there to meet the audience. “Kolyma: Road of Bones”, ““Goulash?” asked the young woman, popping her head out from the hotdog stand on the icy Kolyma roadside. Director Stanisław Mucha’s question though, was about the gulag, and he was surprised that in this place, for years the location of Soviet prison and labour camps, the word would be unknown to someone…”.
And “Seed: The Untold Story” that is followed by a debate on seed diversity in Latvia. Finally – of course – a film on refugee policy, the German “Island of the Hungry Ghosts” by Gabrielle Brady that has the following description: Australia’s refugee policy calls for asylum seekers who arrive in Australia by boat to be detained and held in remote territories – such as Christmas Island and other offshore processing facilities thousands of kilometres away in Pacific Ocean nation-states – before being sent back home. The largest number of asylum seekers in the Christmas Island facility was almost 3,000, while the registered local population is 1,843, according to the latest data…