Belgrade Revisited

I am in rainy Belgrade. Wonderful to be back in the city where the magnificent documentary film festival Magnificent7 takes place every year. At the end of January. But this is actually not the main reason for my presence… for two hours yesterday I was in the world of fiction film, playing the role of a Danish diplomat… in the first long feature film of Andrijana Stojkovic. “The Box” (PHOTO) is the title of the film… based on a true story, for the Danish diplomat the leaving from Belgrade in 1992 and his meeting with one of the main characters in the film, a young man working in a company responsible for the moving of the belongings of the diplomats out of the country.
I am going to meet with Svetlana and Zoran Popovic, the two organisers of the Magnificent7 festival, that is to celebrate the seventh edition in January 2011, the pick of four of the 7 films have been done. Titles like “48“, “Nenette“, “Zanzibar Musical Club” and “Men who Swim” are already confirmed.
I am also to meet and have a private sneak preview of the film of Mila Turajlic, “Cinema Komunisto”, which has been selected for First Appearance Competition in the upcoming idfa festival in Amsterdam.