Best Nordic Documentary?

Guest writer at filmkommentaren, Danish Mikkel Stolt watched Finnish Mika Ronkainen’s latest work ”Finnish Blood, Swedish Heart” (photo) at the Nordisk Panorama in September. The original, non-mainstream hybrid documentary made a big impression on Stolt, who concluded – referring to a John Cage sentence – ”I will have to give it full six pens – simply because it made such a profound impression by moving me and not pushing me.”
The film got no award at the Nordisk Panorama but has now the chance to win the ”Dragon Award Best Nordic Documentary” at the Gothenburg International Film Festival that runs now, and until February 4. The winner will be presented on February 2, 8 films are nominated, apart from Ronkainen, you find strong names like Margreth Olin from Norway, Stefan Jarl and Mia Engberg from Sweden as well as talented Danish Camilla Magid with ”Black White Boy”