Big Boys Gone Bananas

They are proud, and they, the filmmakers, have all reason to be. Both because the Swedish film around the banana company Dole trying to block the US showing of Bananas (reviewed and praised here in Danish by Allan Berg), a film about the right to express your opinion, it has the subtitle ”about free speech in documentary film”, has gained an enormous international attention and won awards, has gone all over the world, check the webwite of the production company, BUT also because the film has been selected to be part of the ”documental del mes” initiative, grown out of and run by the Barcelona company Parallel 40.
In the coming week the film by Fredrik Gertten will be shown in around 30 venues not only in Catalunia and Spain but also in Chile and Argentina.
Film policy, ladies and gentlemen, get the films out to the audience!
PS. In the next month ”Planet of Snails” by Korean Seun-Jun Yi will have the same film great treatment.