The Life of Inaki

This film is in production. The filmmakers are from the Basque country and were the ones behind the beautiful music documentary Nomadak reviewed on this site. I know Igor Otxoa who fights for his projects and does it with charm and commitment. He wrote me a letter with a link to the trailer of the film, that I want to share with our readers. But first the story about a film that deals with compassion and solidarity in such a way that the coach of FC Barcelona, Guardiola, used material from the shooting to build up courage and team feeling among his players:
”On the South of Annapurna, at 7.400 metres, a man is dying. His rope companion sounds the alarm. And one of the biggest rescue attempts in the history of the Himalayas gets underway. For four days a dozen men including some of the best mountaineers in the world, from Canada, USA, UK, Switzerland, Russia, Poland, Romanis, Kazakhstan, set out to rescue Inaki Ochoa de Olza. Even beyond his peaks Inaki is an exceptional man. As exceptional as the rescue attempt itself and the men who risked their lives to save him. Exceptional because their one driving rule is to live. To live in the only way possible: with pure intensity and honesty.”
And here is the link to the trailer: