DOC Meeting Argentina 2010

The first spring day in Buenos Aires, Argentina: Cool it is, was much warmer yesterday, and rain will come, says the receptionist of the hotel. I am here with Danish colleague Mikael Opstrup to tutor at a workshop for 24 filmmakers, who are to pitch their project in a couple of days. Always great to meet new people and new ways of documentary storytelling, some of them breaking the tyranny of narration, but also many who confirms that there is an international structure for telling stories.
The DOC Meeting was founded in 2007 by Guillermo Rossi, who is leading it together with Rodrigo Vila, producer and director of documentaries. The content of the Meeting can be checked at the website, it is actually impressive what they have been able to build in a few years – this year also including screening of films, among them a good selection of Finnish documentaries. Photo: Steam of Life.
The following is taken from the site of DOC Meeting Argentina: … a space devoted to documentaries meant to encourage the construction of networks among cinematography and television industry professionals, at the national,
regional and international levels; the development of projects under process; the creation of an area for the discussion of different strategies for co-production, marketing and distribution of the documentary genre; and, undoubtedly, a business area created to market documentaries filmed in various formats.
DOC Meeting Argentina 2010 Edition will have a three-day duration and is geared to cinema and television producers, leaders of state-owned or private national and international television networks, filmmakers and television producers, public officials, cultural managers, lawyers, educators and other film and television industry-related professionals.
DOC Meeting Argentina is divided into three distinct sections:
Conferences, Workshops and Seminars. Two-day duration. Representatives of television networks and co-production funds and forums, among other professionals, will be presenting lectures on topics such as co-production, acquisitions, distribution, new technologies, legislation and copyright.
One On One Meetings. One-day duration. A business roundtable will be held as part of DOC Meeting Argentina. In this roundtable, producers, buyers and sellers will have a chance to show their projects – completed or under development – to co-producers, television representatives and organizations.
Pitching Forum. In DOC Meeting Argentina, producers and/or directors will have a chance to present their projects to a group of 12 Commissioning Editors (representatives of international television networks who are responsible for the co-production or pre-purchase of documentaries), with the intention of receiving international financing for their projects. Twenty-four projects will be selected.