Viktor Kossakovsky: My Top 10

Every year the film festival in Amsterdam, idfa, asks well known filmmakers to pick their favourites. This year Viktor Kossakovsky has made his choice. This is a text taken from the website of idfa:
According to Kossakovsky, the films in his Top 10 are films that challenged him when he first saw them, and again on revisiting them recently. They are films which, instead of trying to tell you something, try to show you something. According to Kossakovsky, if you were to add up all the new elements these films have added to the language of cinema, you would have the perfect documentary alphabet.
Look at the Face by Pavel Kogan (Russia, 1968)
Man of Aran by Robert Flaherty (United Kingdom, 1931)
Man with a Movie Camera by Dziga Vertov (Ukraine, 1929)
Our Mother is a Hero by Nikolai Obukhovich (Russia, 1979)
Position Among the Stars by Leonard Retel Helmrich (the Netherlands, 2010)
Seasons of the Year by Artavazd Pelechian (Armenia, 1975)
Spiritual Voices by Alexander Sokurov (Russia, 1995)
Ten Minutes Older by Herz Frank (Latvia, 1987) (Photo)
A Tram Runs Through the City by Ludmila Stanukinas (Russia, 1973)
Workingman’s Death by Michael Glawogger (Germany/Austria, 2005)
… how many of them did you see?