Brian Hill: Sangfugle

To the Danish readers and tv viewers, in Danish:
HUSK AT SE DR2 21.40 I AFTEN hvor “Sangfugle” bliver vist, et hit over den ganske verden.
Here is an excerpt from the review written on this blog (the film is on DR2 tonite):
Things are moving in the documentary genre. New and original ways of storytelling come out of the blue. Like in this case where British director Brian Hill went to the Downview Prison in Sutton England to make a film with and about the female prisoners.
He hired a composer and a songwriter to make human and compassionate those often very tough and tragic stories that got the women into prison. The prisoners themselves sing their stories…
… a documusical, quite extraordinary. You are totally taken by the women and their stories…
Brian Hill: Songbirds. UK, 2005