Catch the Moment – about Marianne Greenwood

Make extraordinary film about ordinary people, and ordinary films about extraordinary characters! It is very easy to apply this slogan to the film about Marianne Greenwood, a citizen of the world, an adventurer, a writer and photographer. A woman with an enormous Life appetite, a woman who easily fell in love, had children she did not take care of, a woman without an address for decades.
With a straight forward narrative structure the two Swedish filmmakers has put together a film that consists of a long, good interview with the almost 90 year old woman, mixed with a lot of her photos, quotes from her many books (in the Swedish version read by wonderful Bergman actress Gunnel Lindblom) and images from where she went on her Life journey. She took important photos from the jungles of Indian tribes, she lived with the indigenous people, ”I was never a tourist”, she mingled with and photographed Picasso and Jacques Prévert in Antibes, and was said to have been the lover of Evert Taube, the Swedish troubadour.
… one of these documentaries where you are entertained the whole way through. because you first of all have met a charismatic, humorous character. Greenwood died in 2006 and the film ends with her been given a big prize in New York for her pioneer photography work and with the announcement of an exhibition at the Etnographic Museum in Stockholm.
The film was shown on SVT at 8pm in March, and on DR/TV at 00.20 also in March. Prime time and poooost prime time. Is this the current difference between documentary policy in Sweden and Denmark, this Danish person asks?
Catch the Moment,2008. Titti Johnson and Helgi Felixson, 52 mins.
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