Cinedoc Tbilisi Opening Night

Yes, this is how an opening night should be – presentation of the program through trailers, a speech from the Minister of Culture and Sport, some words from your correspondent and from the director of the festival, Artchil Khetagouri.
Most important, however, was the opening film, Georgian “Transparent World” by Vakhtang Kuntsev-Gabashvili. The film about young talented Beka and his father took the audience by the heart and made the opening festive and memorable. How often have you experienced 5 or more round of applauses during the film? Beka is charming and wise, many of the things that he is saying about filmmaking is spot on and you laugh and suffer with him, when he is trying to overcome the obstacles he is facing when he is trying to make the film about the old scientist and composer – and his wife, who forbids him to film in the kitchen of their home. Beka has problems, he gets angry with himself and the world around him, to be the next moment the most gentle grandson with granny, who lives with the family. On the photo you see the father and Beka, the father is amazing patient with his son, who likes his help one moment and is irritated the next moment because he does not want the father to interfere with his work as a filmmaker and photographer.
I understood completely why the director of the film dedicated the film to “all fathers”.
For those who are here in Tbilisi there are addintional screenings of the film – and I can’t see why the film could not go to other international festivals.