Cinema du Réel Report 1

I am sitting in the niveau -1 in the Centre Pompidou. This is where the acceuil for the Cinema du Réel is situated. As always in the Centre during the festival, it is difficult to create anything just close to be called a joyful or cosy atmosphere. I love the Centre Pompidou, as an old librarian, I am so happy to see all the people who go to read books, or seek information online, or watch films in the library – but for a festival it has never been a good place. It is difficult to meet the filmmakers, people come here to get their papers, go to the cinemas (there are three of them), watch films, this is how it is and always has been. And it’s ok like that. Of course it is. Coffee drinking and talking can be done elsewhere in the small cafés around Beaubourg.
We got the catalogue, we made our day plan, I wanted to go to the videotheque to watch some films, that have already passed, but all booths were occupied.
Impressions… the wall of news clips are full. The festival has got its mention in le Monde and Libération, there is a lot of focus on the series “Americana”, Shirley Clarke and Jim McBride, an interesting series that other festivals could pick up.
The director of the festival Marrie-Pierre Duhamel-Müller tells that she received 2300 films for the international and French competition. To end up by selecting 40. Still: Centre Pompidou, nat.