Cinéma du Réel

Yes, for those who do not read Danish, “we” (Allan Berg Nielsen and me, Tue Steen Müller) leave for Paris tomorrow to follow the 30th edition of Cinéma du Réel, which took off with the subtitle “antropological and ethnographic films”. It has always for me been the place for watching films about the world we live in. Interpreted by, seen through the eyes of filmmakers like Joris Ivens (his last film “Histoire du Vent” I saw there), Jean Rouch, even if this founder of cinéma vérité has never really meant something to me, Helga Reidemeister, Sergey Dvortsevoy, Volker Koepp – and all the retrospectives that the former director Suzette Glenadel put together against any kind of what was “a la mode” at that time: The czekoslovak documentaries, where I met Dusan Hanak, and the Baltics where we had the pleasure of meeting them all, these great filmmakers like Herz Frank, Ivas Seleckis, Arunas Matelis, Navasaitis, Stonys, Mark Soosaar and so on.
Cinéma du Réel has always been excellent in making clever and thoughtful side programmes, next to the international programme.
This year there is themes like Americana, In South-East Asia, Images / Prison: visions from inside, Figures of tourism : for a history of the “view” , special screenings of for instance Bernardo Bertolucci’s “La Via del petrolio”.
I am there to watch the international programme and write an article and make interviews for DOX – – but there will also be some English words from me and many Danish from Allan. Still: Former director Suzette Glenadel.