
Danish Short Docs online… What a brilliant initiative taken by the Danish Film Institute and the newspaper Politiken: 12 films with a duration between 3 and 5 minutes are now available on the web edition of the newspaper. One new per day. I have seen the 6 first which are very different but all try to adapt to this distribution medium and all try something new. Janus Metz and Sine Plambech invite us to experience a joyful break in the work of thai prostitute girls (thai dialogue, Danish subtitles). Veteran Jon Bang Carlsen reflects in a wordy and strong montage on the destruction of nature somewhere in England (Danish commentary). Malene Ravn and Vibeke Winding have visited a wonderful man from Christiania, whose small house is on the authorities list to be taken down (Danish dialogue). Malene Choi gives us a small dreamerish visual taster for a longer film. Christian Vium invites us to meet Brian Mphahlele who was in prison and got heavily tortured during the apartheid period (English langugage). And finally Christian Braad Thomsen and Bente Petersen introduce ”Mink in Love”, tough action and gentle caress (No dialogue, English intertitles).
So if you non-Danish speaking people want to get all out of it, start with the two last mentioned. I will be back later with mentions on the remaining six.
Still from Nybegynder by Janus Metz and Sine Plambech.
Danske læsere og festivalbesøgende får her en fin prolog til cph:dox.