CPH:DOX 2018/ Exit


“How do you get out of the closed and often violent milieu among extremists without risking your life? Norwegian filmmaker Karen Winther has taken the journey herself. With her past as a right-wing extremist, she visits other defectors in the United States, Germany and Denmark, where she meets the former Danish left-wing activist Søren Lerche and the Frenchman David, who spent six years in prison as an accomplice in a terrorist attack in France. Jihadis, Nazis and violent Antifas: All the people whom Winther meets on her journey have broken with their past and are now living with the consequences. ‘Exit’ is an exploratory firsthand account about de-radicalisation and about the tough exit which leaves those involved looking back and asking the same question: Why me? The excitement and the clear sense of identity as a rebel and as a part of a group on a mission are among the obvious answers. But the truth is often more complex, and what they most often have in common is regretting the bitter mistakes of the past.” (CPH:DOX programme)


Det er en beslutsom films beslutsomme slutscene. Manuel har skåret igennem sin tøven og har pakket det nødvendigste og er på flugt med sit barn til et nyt hemmeligt sted, fordi de tidligere venner i organisationen har fundet ham. Han er igen på flugt i sit eget land, i Tyskland, han er nødt til at beskytte barnet og sig selv. Jeg har ved gennem 80 minutter at være med Karen Winther på hendes gentagne møder lært ham at kende, og er med hende og hendes film faktisk kommet til at holde af ham, dette voldelige og fredelige menneske.

Det er en rigtig god film, det er en aldeles vedkommende og sober tv-dokumentar, en tilbageskuende jeg-fortælling i filmens nutid med en undersøgelsesrejse efter lignende fortællinger og samtaler med vigtige velformulerede vidner som denne de-radikaliserede mand. Alt skildret i et ordentligt og tvivlende og tænkende journalistisk essays form. Filmen er beregnet til tv, tror jeg, og den vil bestemt kunne findes på tv den kommende tid, men jeg vil lige så bestemt anbefale at se den i en biografs mørke koncentration nu det, er vil jeg igen tro, enestående muligt. Der er meget at lytte intenst til, fine nuancer i sjældne formuleringer at opfatte og vende og dreje i billedsidens vignetters korte hvile. Mine fordomme om moralsk og politisk radikalisering er blevet grundigt rystet.

Karen Winther: Exit, Norge, 2018, 83 min. Præsenteres på CPH:DOX 2018, som har visninger tirsdag, torsdag og følgende søndag: https://cphdox.dk/program/film/?id=571 (Datoer, tider, steder, billetter)

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Allan Berg Nielsen
Allan Berg Nielsen

Allan Berg Nielsen started the first documentary cinema in Randers, Denmark way back in the 1970’es. He did so at the museum, where he was employed. He got the (16mm) films from the collection of the National Film Board of Denmark (Statens Filmcentral). He organised a film festival in his home city, became a member of the Board of Directors of the Film Board, started to write about films in diverse magazines, were a juror at several festivals and wrote television critiques in the local newspaper. From 1998-2003 Allan Berg was documentary film consultant (commissioning editor) at The Danish Film Institute, a continuation of the Film Board. Since then free lance consultant in documentary matters.


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