CPH:DOX Forum Day One

To have a pitching session at The Royal Theatre at CPH:DOX with full house… Amazing! And to have the individual meetings in the afternoon at the Odd Fellow Palæet. Amazing. Atmosphere in both places and all works so well. There is a relaxed feeling around it all and there are receptions, where people can discuss projects and maybe end up making contacts become contracts.
I was there for the first day and of course the organizers had placed Mark Cousins as the last pitcher together with his producer John Archer. Cousins pitched his new project, the history of Documentary, which will be 17 hours!!!
Cousins is a showman and a great filmmaker and film historian and as with his “Story of Film” you can expect discoveries and not just the classical Lumière, Flaherty, Grierson and so on. He showed a clip with a baby elephant being helped up from a ditch in a very inventive manner! This is documentary he said.
And – I was sitting next to Zane Balcus from Baltic Sea Docs – when asked by moderator Tabitha Jackson, which film he would highlight from the history of documentary, Mark Cousins answered Herz Frank’s “The Last Judgement”!. We looked at each other knowing that there is a project coming up – a film about this Latvian icon. If you don´t know him (do you?) you can find many articles about him on this site.
If you are in Copenhagen tomorrow, you should know that there is a masterclass with Mark Cousins tomorrow morning, I will for sure be there, have bought the ticket. Join me and many others, you won’t regret it!