D-Word 10 Years!

A worldwide community of documentary professionals it is, the D-word that announces that by September 3 it has existed for 10 years. As a place for documentary people from all over the world to talk to each other, as colleagues sharing experience and knowledge. Warm congratulations from a member who visits The D-Word and profits… and would love to have participated much more than has been the case. Let me give the floor to the founder Doug Block who together with Ben Kempas are the ones with whom I have only fine memories from the time when I was in the EDN. And to readers – sign up, you wont regret it:
It’s hard to believe that on September 3rd we’ll be celebrating the 10th anniversary of the very first posting on The D-Word. And that this total lark of an idea I had back in 1999 would grow to become the foremost virtual community for documentary filmmakers, with thousands of members from 80 countries.
For a while now we’ve been thinking about having some kind of ambitious global event for The D-Word’s 10th birthday (I know I just said anniversary but it feels much more like a birthday). However, that’s not really our style. What we’d like to encourage, instead, is for members everywhere to organize gatherings in their local cities on September 3rd. It need not be anything big. The point is to use the date as an excuse to meet fellow doc makers in your area in person. And, like we do everyday online, together celebrate the art and craft and joy and angst of documentary filmmaking.