Doc Lounge Malmö

Something to be copied. And easy to do so… Just came back from Malmö from a visit to a so called Doc Lounge. Which is ”the soft hang-out spot for documentary film lovers in Malmö, (where you can) meet the world of documentaries in a club environment with cozy sofas, nice cushions, carpets, bar, live music and cool DJ´s.” Could also be called café cinemas. Screenings every monday. Support from local authorities and svt, Swedish Television! Tonite an event in collaboration with the Nordisk Panorama festival that runs until October 1.
A very well visited sneak preview of ”Young Freud in Gaza” by PeÅ Holmqvist and Susanne Khardalian. An excellent filmic inside look at everyday life and problems as they are met and seen primarily through the eyes of young Ayed, who is the only field psychologist in northern Gaza.
What a character this young man is for a film. And how charming he is in his philanthropic mission: to help things get better for patients in an area full of hot political problems. The couple filmed during two years 2006-2008, when Gaza was isolated from the world, and the film has a harmonic and peaceful rythm that gives space for the characters to be developed for a viewer, who switches between laughter and grief. A film that will go all over. And will be premiered in cinemas in Sweden in November.