DocsBarcelona: Filmmaker’s Window

3 months ago a state of alarm forced us to leave the office from where we always produce DocsBarcelona. In this context, this edition has been prepared: looking out the window to see the few things that were happening in a world that had completely stopped.
We believe it is important to remember everything we have been through. That is why we have asked directors and friendly directors of DocsBarcelona to share with us how they experienced this confinement beyond the window of their home. Sharing the hard moments, and the beautiful moments, and these looks outward and at the same time inward. We asked them, to the extent that they could and under the conditions we already knew, to send us an audiovisual piece that reflected this moment as only documentaries do.
And now, it seems that everything is being left behind (including this new edition of the Festival that is already ending) we present the result of these pieces, which we have also had the honor and pleasure of preparing for this digital projection with the help of the Victor Kossakovsky, from whom we got the idea through his masterpiece, TISHE. It is thanks to his sensitivity, and to that of Èric Motjer, Laura Àlvarez, Ariadna Seuba, Anna Petrus, Pepe Rodríguez, Alexandre Chartrand, Oscar Moreno and Clare Wiekopf, from the friendly filmmakers who have lent themselves. Now we can open this filmmaker’s window to everything we experienced a few weeks ago around the world. We hope you enjoy it!
The premiere will be next Saturday, May 30th at 12pm (Spanish time). You can follow it through the web or social networks of @DocsBarcelona. Do not miss it!
Photo from Kossakovsky’s TISHE.