DocsBarcelona Pitching Forum 2012

The auditorium of the CCCB, cultural Centre of Barcelona, was full of hundreds of observers to the 15th pitching forum of DocsBarcelona. They provided the enthusiastic atmosphere for the 23 projects that were to be pitched there during two days, in a hall that had 30 invited professionals to respond to the pitches, 16 of them around the table: commissioning editors from tv stations, distributors, film fund representatives. The quality of screening of the trailers and teasers was excellent, cinema hall size, so all conditions were there for the well performed forum that it turned out to be.
In the present situation of course! As pitch trainer and moderator Paul Pauwels wisely said to the pitchers at the workshop before the pitching forum:
Remember that this is not about the money, this is about putting yourself on the agenda, on the market, promoting your film and yourself”.
Promotion, yes, and that did happen for the projects and for the documentary genre as such. And for sure some creative contacts and prebuys will come out of DocsBarcelona as it has always done, and that can lead to important financing from MEDIA and/or national public funding and/or from the international funds that have come up lately around Tribeca Film Festival.
300 professionals from more than 30 countries.