DocsBarcelona – The Young Ones

Organised by Núria Campreciós from the DocsBarcelona team, I had a chat with the Young Jury Reteena – who has to decide the “Award to the best film of the Reteena Itinerary, awarded by young jury Reteena, made up of young people between 16 and 21 years old. The prize is a statuette.”
They have 6 films to watch and discuss – online. 5 members have been appointed by the young Reteena festival, that had its second edition in December 2019. My job was to give some hints on how a jury can work, what to look out for, how to decide. I told them that the youth jury at DocsBarcelona, according to me, normally is the most fun to watch and listen to on the stage – well it will be on Zoom this year and they will never meet, alas.
On the photo you see : Upper row Pablo Mérida, uncle Tue, Miriam Laaziz. Middle row Maria Castellví, Mònica Cambra, Oriol Pla. Bottom row Clàudia Mela, Núria Campreciós, Raül Baell.
You can find more information about the jury members on