Docu Awards in Sarajevo

What a pleasant surprise and a well deserved prize from the Sarajevo Film Festival audience – to nominate ”Sevdah” by Marina Andree as the best film of the festival. I have previously introduced the film, that had its premiere in Sarajevo and that now will hopefully travel the world. Here is what the film is about:
”An intimate journey through Bosnian “blues” dedicated to the prematurely deceased Farah, a passionate fan of sevdah. Trying to confront their own loss and grief, the autors create a film about sevdah as an emotional, musical, lyrical and visual journey through the soul of Bosnia.”
The winner – another prize for this great film – of the documentary section was ”Caviar Connection” by Dragan and Jovana Nikolic, a film that has travelled the world as is ”Cash and Marry” by Atanas Georgiev, who went third in the Audience competition. Both manyfold mentioned on this site.
These three films document again the quality of documentaries from the Balkan: Originality, vision, relevance in subject, feeling and humour. I am so happy for the filmmakers and a bit proud to have been able to follow them from ZagrebDox pitching through Ex Oriente training workshop, and now they meet an audience who appreciates the work!