Documentaries in France

The French CNC (Centre National du Cinéma et de l’image Animée) has published a study on the market for documentaries in France. According to the French Media Desk and their weekly newsletter no. 194 ( the study concerns the creative documentaries.
2225 hours of documentaries have been produced in 2009, a progress of 8,1%. The contribution from television is the biggest in 20 years, 47,3%. The documentaries represented 6,5% of the market in 2009 – and with 2008 statistics the sales of tv documentary programmes were 26% of total sales.
Documentaries for cinema release: 30 films were produces for theatrical release in 2009 with almost 3 mio. Tickets sold. The duration of their prseence on the screns are longer than for fiction and animation. In general a French cinema documentary is released in 27 copies.
Crisis… where? (Photo: Agnes Varda)
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