DocuNotes 2010: Chile

Chilean documentary is much more than the master Patricio Guzman and his films on Allende and the suffering during the time of Pinochet. There are many talents and many authored voices to keep an eye and ear open for. I saw that when in Santiago during the autumn 2010, going back with a pile of dvd’s to watch and comment. And I met the Chilean delegation again when they arrived at idfa and made themselves visible through a well visited pisco sour reception and presentation.
The couple Perut and Osnovikoff, for instance, take a look at their website, original ”handwriting”, expressionists I would call them, I saw several of their films and they deserve much more attention than they have got so far. Notice first of all the film ”Noticias”.
Or take a look at the website of the production company Errante, whose energetic producer and director Paola Castillo pitched several strong projects at idfa.
A documentary community in development with a structure for a documentary culture, also in development: festivals, independent companies, public support, going international.