DocuNotes 2010: Rabbit a la Berlin

”Yes, this is the way to make a different film for the celebration of the 20 years of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Playing masterly with the film language, wanting to surprise us. To tell us the same story but in a completely new way. With music that associates a fairy tale with rabbits in the leading roles. But also as an informative commentary-born popular science film about the city lives of a threatened species…”
This is how started an enthusiastic review of the film in question, that went all the way from being a small Polish-German production for the 20 years after the Wall, going to tv-stations all over the world and to a nomination for an Oscar. Bartek Konopka and Piotr Rosolowski were director and cameraman, and Anna Wydra was the producer, who fought for the success of the film and won.
I met her again at idfa, she was boiling with new plans – publishing dvd’s of excellent, but not very well known Polish documentaries, to be sold to a Polish audience – and she gave me a book, with the 39 mins. long dvd of the film inserted, on the very same film’s ”career”. Financed by… of course, Duracell! Elementary, my dear Watson. An English version of the book with dvd is now under negociation.