DOK Leipzig

This is the press release from the upcomoing DOK Leipzig. Of course there is a lot of publicity words in this but figures are impressive and interesting, and the quotes of he director document that the political engagement, and the openness to the so-called third world are intact elements of the prestigious old festival:
84 documentaries and 114 short animated films will make up the official programme of this year‘s DOK Leipzig. Among the documentaries are 27 world premieres and 14 international premieres, a record number for the film festival. The 198 selected films were chosen from 2,847 entries submitted from 113 countries. The number of countries also marks a new high. The 55th International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film will also feature numerous special programmes, so that a total of 360 films from 62 countries will be shown during the festival from 29 October to 4 November.
Festival director Claas Danielsen praised the depth and scope of the festival’s official programme: “This year’s films paint a very exciting and varied picture of a world in transition. In that way, the festival serves as a barometer of fundamental political, social and cultural change.” The themes of protest, resistance and globalization recur throughout the programme. “Told through the stories of individual human beings, the work of the filmmakers provides an emotional window on how the world is changing.” This year, DOK Leipzig is proud to be showing films from five continents. The opening film ARE YOU LISTENING! comes from Bangladesh, a first in the history of the festival. The 13 films in the prestigious International Competition come from renowned directors as well as from impressive new talents in Europe, Asia and Latin America. “The maturity and determination of these young talented filmmakers is absolutely extraordinary,” says festival director Claas Danielsen.
Danielsen is equally impressed with the German competition: “This year’s group is perhaps the strongest since we introduced the section eight years ago. The quality of documentary film production in our country can absolutely hold its own on the international stage.” Also among the five competition categories in which the Golden and Silver Doves and many other prizes will be awarded are the International Competition Animated Film, the International Short Documentary Competition and the Young Cinema Competition (formerly Generation DOK). In addition to the competitions, DOK Leipzig will be presenting attractive special programmes such as the “The Spirit of Freedom” focus on Latin America, the “Utopias and Realities – The Red Dream Factory” retrospective and four filmmaker tributes. Those honored will be Barbara Hammer, Peter Nestler, Mariola Brillowska and Boris von Borresholm. New this year is an extensive children’s and youth program with contemporary animated and documentary films. More Information:
Photo: UB Lama by Lithuanian Eglė Vertelytė is in the competition for young cinema.