DOK Leipzig Intro

It’s European doc festival time and documentarians like Koen Suidgeest (see below) will go to Leipzig in Germany, Jihlava in Czech Republic, DocLisboa in Portugal and idfa in Amsterdam – maybe asking themselves “what am I doing here” OR “great to be here to meet the audience”.
A textual extensive press release has been received from the DOK Leipzig festival that takes off October 17 and runs until October 23. The following text bites are cited from that release: “DOK Leipzig is the oldest documentary film festival in the world and the second largest in Europe. At the 54th edition of one of the most important meeting points for the documentary film industry 341 documentary and animated films from 47 countries will be screened. The festival will also be offering 59 different events related to DOK Industry.”
“The outlook for the future of the documentary film industry isn’t so rosy either. Financial support from public television stations is in a state of free fall, programming spots are being eliminated and sponsors haven’t begun reacting to the new situation. At events like Wild at Heart, German Day or New Alliances DOK Leipzig will be discussing ways out of the crisis.
This year Cross Media is a major focus at DOK Leipzig. Multimedia work is currently a great challenge for filmmakers – participants will learn how to successfully combine film, internet, games and mobile content based on three international case studies. At the panel discussions new financing and sales opportunities as well as beneficial alliances will be examined.
The festival is not only presenting new films, in and out of competition, and the strong industry emphasis does not prevent retrospectives and thematic series on Arab and Indian films: “Three great names from the world of East German documentary film, three important birthdays, three homages: DOK Leipzig will be paying its respects to Gitta Nickel (75), Jürgen Böttcher (80) and Kurt Weiler (90) with select special programmes. Nickel and Böttcher will be personally attending the festival.
Photo: Bakhmaro by Salome Jashi, Georgia, in talent competition in Leipzig