DOK-Leipzig Programme Ready

A festival that is very dear to me has made its selection. I am working as a scout for Leipzig festival director Claas Danielsen and his team, when it comes to films from the Baltic and other Eastern European countries. And there are some other films that I have recommended. They did not follow all my advice in the selection committee – they had many offers:
From 2.400 films more than 300 films were taken for four competition sections (International Competition for Documentary Film, International Competition for Animated Film, Young Documentary Talent Competition – Generation DOK, German Competition for Documentary Film) as well as for the International Programme.
Those readers who visit the DOK-Leipzig programme site (see below) will recognise films that have already been written about or reviewed on this place. Write the titles in the “søg” and you will find: Blind Loves (Juraj Lehotsky), Gugara (Naglowski and Dybczek), Today the Same Day is Different (Baig and Moreno), Three Men and a Fish Pond (Pakalnina), Testinomy (Georgescu), Nazis and Blonds (Tammiksaar), The English Surgeon (Smith), Recipes for Disaster (Webster), Man on Wire (Marsh). Quite a lot!
Go to Leipzig, watch films, go to the market events and the cafés, and the church of Johan Sebastian Bach.
Still: Juraj Lehotsky: Blind Loves.