DOKLeipzig 2018 Juries

We have to wait until October 10 before the festival in Leipzig, that takes place from October 29 to November 4, announces its official selection. But the efficient press department of DOK Leipzig warms us up with news. This time about the juries – there will be 10 (!) all together – and their mix of film people and writers and visual artists. I can’t mention all – link below but here is a fragment of the press release that came out the other day:
“This year, in addition to the Next Masters Competition Long Documentary and Animated Film there will be a separate dedicated competition for short films. For this reason, the Next Masters Jury, which will preside over both competitions for up-and-coming young filmmakers, has been expanded to include two additional members. Austrian director Ruth Beckermann, who is being honoured at DOK Leipzig 2018 in the Homage section, will be teaming up here with Romanian colleague Adina Pintilie. Both filmmakers were awarded at Berlinale 2018: Beckermann for “The Waldheim Waltz” (PHOTO) and Pintilie for “Touch Me Not”. DOK Leipzig is showing Pinitilie’s debut film “Don’t Get Me Wrong” (2007) in the special programme Re-Visions. The two directors will be joining third jury member Thierry Garrel, producer and former director of the documentary film department at ARTE France.
Internationally renowned Finnish filmmaker Mika Kaurismäki is also slated to serve as a jury member at DOK Leipzig. Joining respected Tunisian producer Dora Bouchoucha and Lithuanian author Laimonas Briedis, who visited the city previously for the 2017 Leipzig Book Fair, Kaurismäki will be rounding off the jury for the International Competition Long Documentary and Animated Film…”