DOXBOX Damascus Diary 5

Sometimes, actually very often, reality cheats you, or in this case the weather! While I was in safe surroundings inside the Al Kindi cinema to a session about ethics and documentaries, about the relation between the filmmaker and the person being filmed, about the relation between the filmmaker and the society, not that easy an question in a country like Syria – my wife was fighting with a sandstorm in the desert.
During the session in the cinema I got a text message that she and her companion on the excursion had sought refuge at Red Cross in the desert of Palmyra. I got a bit chocked at least for the moment it took before the next message arrived: Evacuated to a brilliant Arabic restaurant! What a tour, someone had forgotten to check the weather forecast and there they were in the middle of a sandstorm.
She is back in the hotel with sand all over and we are getting ready to go to the cinema to see if the audience is still loyal to the DOXBOX festival. Tonight the programme will be ”The Monastery” by Pernille Rose, ”Salvador Allende” by Patricio Guzman, ”Seeds” by Wojciech Kasperski and ”Belovs” by Viktor Kossakovski. Quality programme. And quality hospitality in a country where there are many eyes watching what you are doing.
Still: Jørgen Laursen Vig (by Frej Pries Schmedes)