EDN Award to Nenad Puhovski

The annual EDN award for 2009 goes to Nenad Puhovski and his ZagrebDox. The motivation goes like this:
ZagrebDox is a documentary event initiated by Nenad Puhovski, consisting of a weeklong festival and a financing forum entitled ZagrebDox Pro. Within the five years ZagrebDox has existed, it has reached an amazing audience number of 21.000 and spawned a strong financing forum. At the forum, new documentary projects from the region are pitched to a panel of international financiers. Among the documentaries coming from the ZagrebDox Pro financing forum are Corridor #8, The Caviar Connection and Cash & Marry, which have all circulated international festivals with big success. What Nenad Puhovski has accomplished within the five years of ZagrebDox is quite amazing and a point of inspiration for all of us working with documentaries. Not only has he brought international film to Zagreb, he has also managed to bring documentaries from the region to an international audience through the ZagrebDox Pro financing forum. Taking into consideration that all this has been accomplished in a region which has been through struggles and internal battles, makes the achievements by Nenad Puhovski and ZagrebDox all the more admirable. For EDN it was an obvious choice for the 2009 EDN Award.
More about ZagrebDox and the 3 films mentioned, use the “search” of this site.