Ex Oriente Film: A Decade of Excellence

Normally we do not do promotion for training programmes but there are exceptions. As this one, the Ex Oriente Film workshop based in Prague, that enters a new decade, after – this is how the organisers, led by Veronika Liskova – phrase it themselves: A Decade of Excellence, name of a new facebook page of the workshop.
Indeed it can be characterised like that, says this blogger, who was part of the tutor team the first 7 years having seen great films being born, which took inspiration from Ex Oriente.
Let me pick some from the impressive list:
”15 Young by Young” with Latvian Ilona Bicevska as the tireless producer and organiser of the multimedia project that ended up on arte. ”The Art of Selling”, Estonian/Finnish coproduction by Jaak Kilmi, the name in new Estonian documentary as director and producer. ”Bakhmaro” (photo), unique work by Georgian Salome Jashi produced by German Heino Deckert. ”Blind Loves” by Juraj Lehotsky from Slovakia, produced by director Marko Skop the film went the whole way to Cannes and to theatrical release in several countries. ”Cash and Marry” by Macedonian Atanas Georgiev, produced by Sinisha Juricic from Croatia, and ”Elektro Moskva” by Dominik Spritzendorfer and Elena Tikhonova, the latter had its premiere in Nyon this year and has its next stop at Sheffield Doc Fest – and many more will follow.
I stop here, could have mentioned many more, check out for yourselves, there are website links to most of the films and info on distributors. I took the alphabetical order… Deadline the for 11th season of Ex Oriente: June 1st.