Facebook Addiction – and Palestine

OK, I joined. I had asked a lot of people if I should. Many said yes, of course, if you can control the time-consuming. Others said no, it is dangerous, people have been misused on facebook, pictures of you may be manipulated… whatever.
I joined a week ago, and it is time-consuming so far. But also fascinating – and embarassing. The latter because so many of my friends, people with whom I am friends anyway, in the real world so to say, have expressed their surprise to see me there! Meaning, you are too old for that, 60+ is not for facebook, but welcome anyway…
Yesterday, a Danish film editor, on facebook himself, told me that after two weeks you will find your way of using it properly. It calmed me down… 62 friends I have so far, nothing compared to some of my friends who have more than a thousand, I don’t aim for that, but fascinating to see friends from all over the world, mostly because of my work of course, languages of all kind, that in itself will limit my reading as my understanding of Arab, Finnish, Greek, Russian, Hebrew and Serbian equals zero, and the knowledge of Italian and Spanish and Catalan is pretty fragile.
Many friends have changed their photo to the Norwegian flag, many write about the tragedy much better than in the Danish newspapers, yes many write actually about important matters in the world.
I have put some family/free-time-in-connection-with-work-photos on my page, but I will basically use it to find and convey information and links that have to do with the documentary film world as well as other kinds of visual treatments and activism. Like the one that Palestinian Khaled Jarrar is doing, stamping passports in different parts of the world. The links are below. In a way he and other Palestinian filmmakers who use facebook to tell and show the world (often clips from) their films, they have not many other ways, were the ones who pushed me to join facebook.