Festivals 1: Nordisk Panorama

15 documentaries, long ones, 3 from each country, selected by national committees… that’s the new scheme for the Nordisk Panorama that this year has found its home in Malmö, Sweden for its 24th edition, September 20-25. This democratic approach will of course raise discussion: Will this give the audience the (the caption of the festival’s website) ”best Nordic Shorts and Documentaries”?
Anyway, the same principle has been used to find the films for the short film competition and the New Nordic Voices and no protest from this blogger that you find ”The Act of Killing” (Oppenheimer), ”White Black Boy” (Camilla Magid), ”American Vagabond (Susanna Helke), ”Nowhere Home” (Margreth Olin), ”Belleville Baby” (Mia Engberg) and ”Palme” (photo) (Nycander and Lindström) on the list of films to be screened.
The so-called industry section is well composed with a Pitching Forum, masterclasses and seminars. Margreth Olin talks ethics, Fredrik Gertten (local Malmö hero) talks with American Joe Berlinger, there is a focus on transmedia, there is a video market – and there is Malmö that is a very pleasant city to visit.