Gadefotografi 1917 – 2017

Finding Vivian Maier er titlen på John Maloof’s and Charlie Siskel’s film fra 2013 om fotografen Vivian Maier som gennem sit voksenliv lavede mere end 100.000 optagelser som ingen vidste af, da hun i velordnet stand gemte negativerne og alle aftrykkene og alle papirerne som havde med den del af hendes liv at gøre i sikre arkivæsker et ukendt sted. For hendes arbejde som barnepige var hvad omgivelserne måtte kende til. Først længe efter hendes død blev æskerne fundet og bragt til et offentligt arkiv. På dette materiale lavede Maloof og Siskel deres film. Den var månedens film i Cinemateket i København oktober 2014 og Tue Steen Müller anmeldte den her på Filmkommentaren til fem af seks penne og konkluderede:

”… The photos have a great documentary quality. She has been able to catch the moments, to get close to people, to convey humour and tragedy, ”the bizarreness and incongruity of Life” as one of the interviewed employers says. She travelled the world in 1959 documenting what she saw, a street photographer, well this is where she was with the children she was looking after, sometimes she forgot them, one of the now grown-up males says. A closed person, hiding behind the Rolleiflex, a true documentarian.”

Nu kan Vivian Maiers fotografier ses gennem juli måned i København idet udstillingen Vivian Maier – In Her Own Hands indgår i Øksnehallens sommerudstilling med titlen GADEFOTOGRAFI 1917 – 2017, som Finn Larsen og Morten Brohammer har redigeret. Det huskes at Finn Larsen sidste år redigerede to fotografiske udstillinger i København på sine og Lars Johanssons optagelser Ung i Randers 1978-79 i Øksnehallen og Når asfalten gynger på Københavns Hovedbibliotek.

Øksnehallen har netop udsendt en pressemeddelelse om udstillingen. Den følger her i sin helhed med de mange navne på fotografer som deltager:

”Sommerudstillingen 2017 i Øksnehallen hylder gadefotografiet og kan opleves fra 28. juni – 1. august fra kl. 10.00 – 20.00, fredag og lørdag kl. 10.00 – 22.00.

Udstillingen ser gadefotografiet som et meget bredt begreb, dækkende fotografi, der skildrer hverdagen, som den udfolder sig i offentlige rum over hele verden.

Den omfatter både historisk og samtidigt gadefotografi og tilbyder et unikt perspektiv på genren og dens forskellige retninger.

Udstillingen omfatter fotografer/kunstnere fra hele verden men med vægt på Skandinavien.


Vivian Maier er udstillingens hovednavn. Hun er repræsenteret af en stor vandreudstilling: Vivian Maier – In Her Own Hands.


Andre kunstnere repræsenteres af hele fotografiske projekter/serier eller film:

Alen Aligrudic, Nanna Bisp Büchert, Carsten Brandt, Christina Capetillo, Ole Christiansen, Krass Clement, Jean Hermansson, Jon Bjarni Hjartanson, Anne Jensen, Gerry Johansson, Mette Juul, Tove Kurtzweil, Jens Olof Lasthein, Eva Merz, Daido Moriyama, Knud Mortensen, Gurli Nielsen, Ralph Nykvist, Steen Møller Rasmussen, Jokum Rohde, Emil Ryge, Martin Selway, Ann-Sofi Sidén, Christian Braad Thomsen, Søren Ulrik Thomsen, Martin Toft, Jim Vail.


Og, som en udstilling i udstillingen, La Strada – Dove Viviamo med:

Daniel Augschoell, Nicola Baldazzi, Davide Baldrati, Enrico Benvenuti, Michele Cera, Federico Cov-re, Giammario Corsi, Cesare Fabbri, Jonathan Frantini, Roberta Galassini, Marcello Galvani, Francesca Gardini, Guido Guidi, Gerry Johansson, Marco Lachi, Allegra Martin, Riccardo Muzzi, Francesco Neri, Luca Nostri, Moira Ricci, Xiaoxiao Xu. Kurator Silvia Loddo, Osservatorio Fotografico i Ravenna.


Resten af de præsenterede kunstnere indgår i et bagkatalog, en bred visuel dokumentation af gadefotografiets historie og mange fremtrædelsesformer. Nogle af kunstnerne i denne del af udstillingen er repræsenterede af nogle få fotos, andre af en bog, en film eller andet.

Nobuyoshi Araki, Diane Arbus, Eugene Atget, Mark Cohen, William Eggleston, Hans Eijkelboom, Christian Elling, Walker Evans, Robert Frank, Lee Friedlander, George Georgiou, Bruce Gilden, William Klein, Josef Koudelka, Helen Levitt, Tod Papageorge, Martin Parr, Lennart af Petersens, Ed Ruscha, Stephen Shore, Joel Sternfeld, Josef Sudek, Guy Tillim, Lars Tunbjörk, Dan Turell, Alex Webb, Garry Winogrand.


Tekster af Carsten Brandt, Julie Søgren Jensen, Jens Erdman Rasmussen med flere. Kuratorer Morten Brohammer og Finn Larsen.”

I det omfang det er muligt, vil jeg her på Filmkommentaren følge udstillingens tilblivelse ved at skrive lidt om nogle af fotograferne og deres fotografier.


Street Photography – A Tribute to Everyday Life

The summer exhibition 2017, Øksnehallen, Halmtorvet 11, 1700 Copenhagen

Wednesday the 28th of June until the 2nd of August. Opening hours: 10–20.

The exhibition presents the concept of street photography in a very broad perspective, covering photography portraying everyday life as it takes place in public places all over the world.

It includes historical as well as contemporary street photography, offering a unique perspective on the genre and its various styles. The exhibition includes photographers/artists from Scandinavia, Europe, the United States, Japan and South Africa.

Vivian Mayers is the principal artist of the exhibition. She is represented by a traveling exhibition: Vivian Maier – In Her Own Hands.

Other artists are represented by entire photographic works/series or films:

Alen Aligrudic, Carsten Brandt, Nanna Bisp Büchert, Christina Capetillo, Ole Christiansen, Krass Clement, Jean Hermansson, Jon Bjarni Hjartanson, Anne Jensen, Gerry Johansson, Mette Juul, Tove Kurtzweil, Jens Olof Lasthein, Eva Merz, Daido Moriyama, Knud Mortensen, Gurli Nielsen, Ralph Nykvist, Steen Møller Rasmussen, Jokum Rohde, Emil Ryge, Jeanette Land Schou, Martin Selway, Ann-Sofi Sidén, Christian Braad Thomsen, Søren Ulrik Thomsen, Martin Toft, Jim Vail.

And, as an exhibition within the exhibition, La Strada – Dove Viviamo with:

Daniel Augschoell, Nicola Baldazzi, Davide Baldrati, Enrico Benvenuti, Michele Cera, Federico Covre, Giammario Corsi, Cesare Fabbri, Jonathan Frantini, Roberta Galassini, Marcello Galvani, Fran-cesca Gardini, Luca Di Giorgio, Guido Guidi, Gerry Johansson, Marco Lachi, Allegra Martin, Riccardo Muzzi, Francesco Neri, Luca Nostri, Moira Ricci, Xiaoxiao Xu.

Kurator Silvia Loddo, Osservatorio Fotografico i Ravenna.

The rest will be part of a backlist, a broad visual documentation of the history and many appearances of street photography. The artists in this part are represented by a few photos, a book, a film or other.

Nobuyoshi Araki, Diane Arbus, Eugene Atget, Sophie Calle, Mark Cohen, William Eggleston, Hans Eijkelboom, Christian and Gertrud Elling, Walker Evans, Robert Frank, Lee Friedlander, George Georgiou, Bruce Gilden, William Klein, Josef Koudelka, Helen Levitt, Tod Papageorge, Martin Parr, Lennart af Petersens, Ed Ruscha, Stephen Shore, Joel Sternfeld, Josef Sudek, Guy Tillim, Lars Tunbjörk, Dan Turell, Alex Webb, Garry Winogrand.

Texts by Carsten Brandt, Julie Søgren Jensen, Jens Erdman Rasmussen and more.

Exhibition curators: Morten Brohammer and Finn Larsen.


Exhibition period: The 28th of June until the 2nd of August.

Vernissage: Tuesday 27th of June at 18 o’clock.

Artist talks events: Wednesday the 28th of June to Sunday the 2nd of July.

Moreover, there will be several events happening during the exhibition period.

The exhibition takes place in Øksnehallen – a protected building from the 1890s situated in the historical Meat Packing District in central Copenhagen.

Each summer, Øksnehallen houses a photography-based exhibition curated specifically for the building, which due to the architecture and the 5000 m2 floor space forms a unique framework. 

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Allan Berg Nielsen
Allan Berg Nielsen

Allan Berg Nielsen started the first documentary cinema in Randers, Denmark way back in the 1970’es. He did so at the museum, where he was employed. He got the (16mm) films from the collection of the National Film Board of Denmark (Statens Filmcentral). He organised a film festival in his home city, became a member of the Board of Directors of the Film Board, started to write about films in diverse magazines, were a juror at several festivals and wrote television critiques in the local newspaper. From 1998-2003 Allan Berg was documentary film consultant (commissioning editor) at The Danish Film Institute, a continuation of the Film Board. Since then free lance consultant in documentary matters.

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