Herbert Tobias

Born in 1924 (died in 1982) German photographer Herbert Tobias was sent to the Ostfront as a soldier when only 19 years old. In the exhibition in Hamburg a series of photos documents how it was for a young man, still a teenager, to be where tragedy reigns before your eyes. ”Dirt, lice and Exhaustion”, he calls one of the motives from Russia. The exhibition is big and divided into themes and styles, in documentary language both observational and staged. Fashion photography. Street motives, moments of magic. A range of Berlin photos from the 50’es, ruins and more ruins, how was it possible to rebuild this city? Staged and unstaged erotic and for the post-war period provocative homosexual tableaux.
Impressive exhibiton that stays until August 16 at the Haus der Photographie, Deichtorhallen, Hamburg. Beautiful hall. Photo: Klaus Kinski and Thomas Harlan, actor and writer taken by Tobias