IDFA Forum 3 – East Beats West

I know that I am biased in the following – working for the Institute for Documentary Films (IDF) in Prague that organises the Ex Oriente Film training Programme and the East European Forum in Jihlava – but I have to share the joy of the success of 3 projects from Eastern Europe.
The one presented in the big room was almost a winner before the presentation as it had been pitched at other market events. But the taster and the pitch skills of Filip Remunda, one of the directors (the other is Vit Klusak) behind world success ”Czech Dream”, were convincing. ”Czech Peace” about the Americans setting up a military base in the Czech Republic next to a small village has the potential to be another fine film for cinema and television.
The two others were presented in the small room where first Serbian Srdjan Sarenac and French Estelle Robin-You (director and producer) got a big amount of support from the 9-10 editors around the table. They presented ”Village Without Women”, in their own words about ”three Serbian brothers attempt to seduce Albanian women in a last-ditch effort to save their remote, dilapitated village”. The taster promises a film far beyond the comedy that the subject could invite you to think it would be. Second presentation came from Poland, from Centrala film that also made ”Gugara” (reviewed here by Allan Berg). The director Thierry Paladino, who made ”At the Datcha” (reviewed here by me), is Italian-French, but lives in Poland. He wants to follow a puppet-master and his pupil on a tour in the South of France. His taster is pure Renoir in approach, a little short film in itself and it seduced for sure the people around the table. A difficult film for a market like the Forum, but thanks for reminding us that there should still be space for the personal and artistic genre of documentaries. It does not have to be social and political all of it, does it?