Idfa Visitor’s Guide

Here follows a list of films that an idfa visitor could watch on this blog writer’s recommendation. Goes without saying that I only know a few of the films that have their premieres in Amsterdam. I mention 20 titles and you can go to the site and get more information about director and content. Several of them have been reviewed or mentioned on this site. I highlight them:
Bananas! Basic Training (and other classics of Frederick Wiseman). Burma vj. The City of the Dead. Constantin and Elena. Disco and Atomic War. Garbo: The Spy. The Last Tightrope Dancer in Armenia. Let’s be Together (PHOTO). Mr. Governor. Mumbai Disconnected. Osadne. Pianomania. Route 181. S21. The Specialist. Sugartown: The Day After. Testimonies. To See If I’m Smiling. Welcome to North Korea.
Idfa has made an interesting characterization of the films at the festival:
* Human Interest / Social Issues (196)
* Politics / Society (122)
* Author’s Point of View (76)
* Art / Music / Culture (72)
* Youth (48)
* History (48)
* Experimental (41)
* Nature / Environment (31)
* Investigative (28)
* Science / Technology (19)