Il futuro del mondo passa da qui

… is the beautiful Italian title of a film that is about to be completed. I saw it in Turin in connection with the first session of the DocuRegio training session and it is as beautiful visually as the title is verbally. The director is Andrea Deaglio, the English – more prosaic – subtitle is “City Veins” and this is a short promotion of a film that will be reviewed on when it is finished. The film is according to the director under consideration for the Locarno Film Festival, they should take it for sure, as should other festivals for creative documentaries. Short description: A river in the outskirt of an European metropolis (Torino), a no man’s land where a handful of people try to survive facing a strong urban transformation. Here flows the future, bringing the worry of the unknown together with the hope for a better chance… yes it is about people, who have decided to, or have been forced to establish a life outside our so-called urban civilisation. In a very gentle and respectful way, the director, with an original storytelling and unusual image framing, takes us on a poetic journey to everyday life of citizens of the world in the 21. century. (Photo: Reno, an artist in Life)
The DocuRegio session gave the participants an interesting insight to “producing in Piemonte”. Veteran producer Edoardo Fracchia outlined the international career of Stefilm, that is run by him, Elena Filippini and Stefano Tealdi. Based at a new venue, that also houses the office of the July event “Documentary in Europe” in Bardonecchia, the company is right now doing international, informational tv series (for instance on “coffee” and ”tea”) as well as going into edit of a long time developed, fascinating retro-project, “Vinylmania”. It has a website, visit it, great fun!
From the classic production company approach to the new and modern, represented by Alessandro Borrelli and his laSarraz. He talked about his decicison to make films for theatrical release and showed a clip from the succesful documentary of Sergio Basso Giallo a Milano (reviewed on this site). At DocuRegio 2009 Borelli’s company presented “Pink Gang” by Enrico Bisi. The story about Indian Sampat Pal, political activist for women’s rights, is now going to cinemas and a one hour version has also been made that Borrelli will take to the market “Sunny Side of the Doc”.