Ilian Metev: Sofia’s Last Ambulance

Croatian producer Sinisa Juricic mailed me yesterday with the happy news about a film that he has been co-producing. It has been been selected for the Semaine de la Critique in the upcoming Cannes Film Festival. I post you the French description of the documentary, that you for sure will meet in many festivals, and hopefully tv channels in the coming year. AND my spontaneous comment when I saw a rough cut of the film some times ago. Watch out for it:
Dans une ville qui ne possède que 13 ambulances pour deux millions d’habitants, Krassi, Mila et Plamen sont nos héros improbables : gros fumeurs, bourrés d’humour et sans cesse en train de sauver la vie à autrui, malgré le grand nombre d’obstacles. Cependant, le système brisé les met à rude épreuve. Combien de temps vont-ils encore tenir à sauver les écorchés de la société jusqu’à ce qu’ils perdent leur empathie?
TSM: I write to tell you that I saw Sofia’s Last Ambulance this morning and it is an impressively strong work, masterly done simply. I was with the film the whole way through, and with these brilliant characters. I am looking forward to hearing more about the technical solutions, the placement and operation of the cameras and much more. It is a reading-faces-film.
Bulgaria, 2012, 80 mins.