Istanbul Calling

The 12th International 1001 Documentary Film Festival takes place in Istanbul December 4-11. But if you have a film to offer, you better hurry up with your application as the deadline is close. Your screeners and connected material should be with the organisers in a week. You can read more about that on the site below. The reason that we exceptionally make promotion for one out of hundreds of festivals, is the very simple that Allan Berg and I have wonderful memories from our visit years ago to this warm and generous non-competitive festival and film conference. So, even if you are not a filmmaker, if you have plans to visit the beautiful Istanbul, why not go when the festival is on. Festival president this year, Bahriye Kabadayi, a filmmaker herself, writes this:
”The 12th International 1001 Documentary Film Festival defines documentary film as one of the main instruments of the world citizens to express and to face up to themselves and understand each other. Documentary filmmaking is aesthetics of searching verity, and a creative way for designing the future. International 1001 Documentary Film Festival focuses on the human as a respectful being to the other beings in the world, and supports the human rights struggle for a better world, with its civic and independent identity.We’re waiting for your documentaries that make contribution to common history and cultural heritage of the world, to motivate the awareness of each other and sharing our stories…”
Passion and commitment!