Jan Vrijman Fund

The Idfa based Jan Vrijman Fund, named after the late Dutch documentarian, who made several great films, including one about the COBRA painter Karel Appel, has finished the first round selection for 2009, second round deadline June 1st. The fund considered 248 projects from 42 different countries. In total, an amount of € 223.900 was granted to 21 projects. The committee selected five projects for script and project development, ten projects for production and post-production, as well as six festivals and/or workshops.
Even if the money from a Western point of view is not a lot for the individual projects, it is without doubt one of the most important financial sources for film projects coming from Asia, Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe. It is very often the first funding that brings along further funding as a support from the fund is considered a quality stamp.
Photo from The Caviar Connection, by Dragan Nikolic, supported by Jan Vrijman Fund.