Janus Metz: Fra Thailand til Thy

Stedet introduceres i smukt fotografi, Lars Skree og Henrik Bohn Ipsen er fotograferne. Der er myndighed over det, et jysk landskab, som er meget mere end et vindblæst hjørne, som det så arrogant hedder på DR1 hjemmesiden. Og kvinden, det til en begyndelse handler om, introduceres tilsvarende smukt og sikkert. Og så begynder fortællingen, det er som det skal være, jeg er tryg. Fra dokumentarens begyndelse. Jeg skal bestemt nok blive ved den… Læs mere FILM # 64
English version: The location is introduced in beautiful photography by cinematographers Lars Skree and Henrik Bohn Ipsen. There is authority to these shots. A Jutlandic landscape that’s much, much more than a windswept corner of the country. A region and a people with a singular way of life, great dignity and their integrity intact. The photography conforms to my vision of the place that was shaped sometime back in the Romantic Age. Sommai is introduced with similar beauty and sureness. At first, it’s all about her. Once a stranger to these parts, she is now so integrated as anyone can be who looks different and comes from the other side of the globe. Then the story begins. All is well and good. I feel in good hands, from the beginning of the documentary, Love on Delivery. I know I’ll stick with it… Read more: FILM # 64
Janus Metz: Fra Thailand til Thy, 2007.