Janus Metz:Fra Thy til Thailand/CPH:DOX 5

Hen mod første films (Fra Thailand til Thy) slutning forstår jeg, at det på det formelle plan er et etnografisk projekt, et case study. Om det omhyggeligt arrangerede ægteskab. Men fortællingen inden i dette stykke videnskabeligt feltarbejde hentes omhyggeligt frem af klipperen Marion Tour, og den vokser i intensitet i overensstemt takt med følelsernes forvandling hos de to. Det bliver bare smukkere og smukkere. Og selvfølgelig rives jeg med… Titlen på dokumentarfilmen er da også inde i mit hoved Historien om da Kae fik Kjeld… Læse mere:

http://www.filmupdate.dk/?p=2710 (præsentationsartikel i FILM’s Amsterdamnummer)

In English: Toward the end of the first film, I realise that, formally, this is an ethnographic project, a case study of carefully arranged marriages. But inside this piece of scientific fieldwork, Mette Esmark, the editor, delicately teases out a story that grows in intensity as the couple’s feelings change. It simply keeps getting more beautiful. And of course, I’m riveted, the documentary’s title nudging my mind, The Story of How Kae Met Kjeld… Read more:


(From: FILM # 64, nov. 08, Danish Film Institute)

Janus Metz: Fra Thy til Thailand, 2008. Produktion: Cosmo Doc http://www.cosmo.dk/ Filmen vises på CPH:DOX 11. november 13:30 ved et seminar om journalistik i Cinemateket. Den har premiere i Grand 12. november 21:30.  

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Allan Berg Nielsen
Allan Berg Nielsen

Allan Berg Nielsen started the first documentary cinema in Randers, Denmark way back in the 1970’es. He did so at the museum, where he was employed. He got the (16mm) films from the collection of the National Film Board of Denmark (Statens Filmcentral). He organised a film festival in his home city, became a member of the Board of Directors of the Film Board, started to write about films in diverse magazines, were a juror at several festivals and wrote television critiques in the local newspaper. From 1998-2003 Allan Berg was documentary film consultant (commissioning editor) at The Danish Film Institute, a continuation of the Film Board. Since then free lance consultant in documentary matters.


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