Jeremy Isaacs: The World at War 4

ET UMULIGT EMNE. Det er eftertankens øjeblik denne tidlige aftentime med dagens afsnit. I aftes det 20. af de 26. Og jeg blev helt stille.. det værste var og er, at jeg jo godt vidste det. Jeg har læst om det, set Resnais og Cayrols Nuit et broullard, set Lanzmanns Shoah, hørt Wiess Die Ermittlung som radiomontage. Men det er mange år siden, og jeg må have lagt låg på, fortrængt den kendsgerning, at selv den mest rystende detalje i fortællingerne om udryddelsen viser sig at være sand. Det er ikke et mareridt, det var og er vågen virkelighed, og det er det hver gang, det fortælles. Når det er vederhæftigt som i aftes. Afsnit 26: Genocide.

Jeremy Isaacs skriver om det: “Hitler´s genocide against the Jews and gypsies, and the mass murder of others, is not a military subject. But I could not leave it out; not just because I’m Jewish, though that counted, but because I could not separate the evil of Nazi racial doctrine – Aryan supremacy, Untermensch subjection – from the Allied cause. Most people in Britain did not realise what Nazi racism in practice meant until the gates of concentration camps at Belsen and Buchenwald were opened by British troops in 1945. Auschwitz, Solibor, Treblinka – death camps – were worse. I wanted a programme that showed the camps in which millions perished, before the series came to the Reich’s nemesis in Berlin. Darlow and Bloomberg’s (afsnittets instruktør og dets forfatter) ‘Genocide’, clear, restrained, compassionate, tackled an almost impossible subject…”

For mig står deres Genocide klart ved siden af Resnais/Cayrols, Lanzmanns og Weiss værker som et monument af uafrystelige videner trods mine forsøg på at skubbe dem væk, disse filmoptagelser.  

Jeremy Isaacs: The World at War 1-26, UK, 1973-1974. DR2 disse dage (ikke i weekenden) kl. 19:15 + DVD, UK-version Litt.: Mark Arnold-Forster: The World at War, 1973. (Bogen som oprindelig fulgte serien). Richard Holmes: The World at War, The Landmark Oral History from the Previously Unpublished Archives, 2007 og Jeremy Isaacs: Look Me In The Eye, 2006, denne bog om hans 40 år som tv-mand, har et kapitel om denne serie.

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Allan Berg Nielsen
Allan Berg Nielsen

Allan Berg Nielsen started the first documentary cinema in Randers, Denmark way back in the 1970’es. He did so at the museum, where he was employed. He got the (16mm) films from the collection of the National Film Board of Denmark (Statens Filmcentral). He organised a film festival in his home city, became a member of the Board of Directors of the Film Board, started to write about films in diverse magazines, were a juror at several festivals and wrote television critiques in the local newspaper. From 1998-2003 Allan Berg was documentary film consultant (commissioning editor) at The Danish Film Institute, a continuation of the Film Board. Since then free lance consultant in documentary matters.

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