Jihlava FF: Support to Kovalenko, Turajlić and Kerekes

Strong move from Jihlava FF, copy paste from press release of today. Personal note – all three are for me important directors, who have in previous films shown their talent. And here comes what is to be expected:
The Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival and Czech entrepreneur Jan Barta joined forces to support outstanding auteur filmmaking from Central and Eastern Europe by launching the Ji.hlava / JB Films support scheme. The recipients of the support were announced on Wednesday, October 30 at during the Industry Days of the 28th edition of Ji.hlava IDFF.
Power, Elaine, directed and produced by Serbian director Mila Turajlić received a co-production support 40,000 EUR. In this memoir documentary, Elaine Mokhtefi revisits her days of radical activism tracing more than half a century of the rise and fall of progressive struggle. The estimated date of premiere is January 2025.
With Love, from the Frontline, directed by Ukrainian director Alisia Kovalenko (photo) and produced by Polish producer Katarzyna Kuczyńska (Emerging Producer 2023) received a co-production support 40,000 EUR. This personal project is based on the director’s private footages taken on the Ukrainian frontline from the early spring to summer of 2022. The film is expected to premiere in the first half of 2025.
Wishing on a Star directed and produced by Slovak director Peter Kerekes received a co-production support 30,000 EUR. Underneath the humorous mood, this documentary intends to be a tender and empathic investigation into a strong human need: looking for meaning in a cosmos filled with endless chaos. The film has already premiered at the Venice Film Festival and is screened at the Ji.hlava IDFF.
All revenues generated from the JI.HLAVA / JB FILMS co-production share will be reinvested into additional documentary film projects from Central and Eastern Europe in the future.