Ji.hlava IDFF 22: Memory as Theme

Yesterday festival director of Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival in Czech Republic announced the theme of the 22nd festival, that takes place October 25-30: Memory.
“Numerous documentary filmmakers focus on historical events, record testimonies, creating a map of personal memory. Actually, anything that is captured by camera lenses will be preserved for future generations, only the recording media are always new and different. Places and things have their own memory, too,” said Hovorka in connection with a presentation of the festival’s visual design, see the poster above.
The artist behind the poster is Slovak Juraj Horváth, who has written this poem:
I don’t collect, I just find
I place them next to each other, on top of each other.
I slightly shape them,
Combine and complete their stories.
Soft documentation.
Story seemingly falling into place,
But I also lay traps, false tracks.
I exaggerate, steal others’ memories.
To get rid of my enemy,
To train my imagination.
Furthermore, exciting, what will come out from his hands and eyes: Jean-Luc Godard has agreed to make the festival spot for the festival. Will be premiered at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival on July 2. His latest work, “Le Livre d’Image” will be screened in Jihlava.