Johnny White: Padraic Ó Conaire –An Fear

I was in Galway, Ireland twice this spring. And had a chance to combine with a couple of days at the sea near Clifden. Yes, sheep and stone walls, small winded roads, pure pleasure to visit.
I met Johnny White, film director based in this part of Ireland. He had just won an award at the Celtic Media Festival for a biography on the author Padraic Ó Conaire, born in Galway, dying in 1928 less than 50 years old. A classical Irish character, who died young, alone and with a life much spent at pubs in Ireland and England. As said, he always had a few.
A man with a hat and a pipe, who liked sleeping under the stars, who joined the IRA in 1913, fought for the freedom of Ireland and who never wrote a happy ending in this voluminious literary production.
The documentary is an absolute success according to the tv standard format that mixes narration and interviews with experts/witnesses, who knew him, supplemented with quotes from his work, a bit of archive and scenes from today with an actor who plays the role of Ó Conaire (Patrick O´Connor in English). It is all in Irish language made (for among others the Irish channel TG4 based in Galway) professionally with humour and without any pretention. Real good Irish storytelling. Entertaining.
Eire, 2007, 52 mins.