Le Mois du Film Documentaire

For the 13th time the French launch their Month of Documentaries all over the country. More than 1700 films, new and old, are being screened in what can only be seen as the most effective promotional tool to create interest for documentaries.
The participants – as the organizers call them – are Médiathèques, salles de cinéma, associations, établissements culturels, éducatifs, sociaux, collectivités territoriales, conseils régionaux, conseils généraux, partenaires locaux, etc.
To give an example, an “Hommage à Chris Marker” is organised in Basse-Normandie at the Bibliotheque Jacques Prévert, in Limousin and at Institut francais d’Ukraine. Volker Koepp is shown in Paris, “Five Broken Cameras” in Lyon, Stan Neumann’s wonderful “La Langue ne Ment Pas” in Strasbourg, “La Nuit Elles Dansent” (photo) in Fort-de France in Martinique and so on so forth.
Film policy, ladies and gentlemen!