Learning Through Film: Human Rights in Scotland

The text about Docs for Education (see below) made Scottish filmmaker Nick Higgins draw attention to a Scottish initiative that could inspire filmmakers in other countries to do the same. Here are some text clips from the website:
… This combined book and DVD package is a first of its kind in Scotland, making it possible for schools, community groups and social organisations to deliver a series of 10 workshops, each based on 10 short documentary films dealing with human rights in Scotland. The aim of the multi-media pack is to expand the education and understanding of human rights in a Scottish context.
… Each workshop is based around one of the 10 short documentaries that made up the award winning and BBC screened feature project, The New Ten Commandments, originally co-produced with the Scottish Documentary Institute.
Apart from Higgins himself other internationally known names appear as directors: Doug Aubrey, Douglas Gordon and Mark Cousins, who made his film together with wonderful Tilda Swinton. Read more on: