Flemish language broadcasting company Lichtpunt in Belgium introduces itself like this: ”The aim of Lichtpunt is creating informative programmes on subjects from a humanistic point of view. Above all we attempt to approach our television viewers as being open minded and outspoken adults. Special attention is given to situations where frankness and freedom is being limited. The themes treated are analysed from an ethical and not from a political point of view.”
Lichtpunt, in volume a small broadcaster, is (pre)buying a lot of documentaries as well as being involved in some coproductions. But the channel has also produced several interview programmes with European culturally important characters like Ken Loach, Günter Grass and Hans Magnus Enzensberger. Producer and commissioning editor Wim van Rompaey sent me screeners of these ”Tidjgenoten” to watch and what a pleasure in nowadays television to see programmes where the interviewer is well prepared, the interviewed responds to this with intelligence and the programme takes its time and uses good archive material or material shot for the programme. Information, entertainment, interesting talking faces, food for thought. Enzensberger (photo)… what a charming and lively man, who among many matters talks about his travelling around to look at and try to understand the world. ”Man muss es anschauen, entdecken, man interessiert sich für etwas anderes”, than yourself.